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CD ROM Paradise Collection 4 1995 Nov.iso
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From mikey@ontek.com Wed Dec 30 18:56:14 1992
Newsgroups: comp.sources.misc
From: mikey@ontek.com (Mike Lee)
Subject: v34i073: flogger - Sort Flogger v0.0, Part01/02
Followup-To: comp.sources.d
X-Md4-Signature: ff0ada04ad7449b6a5af60991e3ce2a2
Organization: Ontek Corporation -- Laguna Hills, California
Date: Fri, 18 Dec 1992 15:21:46 GMT
Submitted-by: mikey@ontek.com (Mike Lee)
Posting-number: Volume 34, Issue 73
Archive-name: flogger/part01
Environment: UNIX
This is a small collection of some of the more popular sort
algorithms, including:
bubble sort -- any 1st semester course in CS
heap sort -- contributed by der Mouse
insertion sort -- any 1st semester course in CS
merge sort -- roughly patterned after Knuth Vol. 3
quick sort -- C.A.R. Hoare's as given in K&R 2 pg 87
shell sort -- D.L. Shell as given in K&R 2 pg 62
bogo sort -- worst-case sort by Richard Krehbiel
A slightly weird test routine is provided which calculates some
performance measurements on the above algorithms and also on the
qsort() function provided with your system, as well as verifying that
the sort actually worked and that it didn't modify anything immediately
above or below the array, that it doesn't leak memory, and whether
or not it's stable. These tests are carried out in a variety of
situations designed to highlight worst-case behavior.
These implementations of the sort functions are all compatible with
qsort()'s parameter list, so if you think your application spends too
much time sorting, you can just s/qsort/merge_sort/ and link in the
sort library and give it a try. If you think it doesn't spend *enough*
time sorting, try bubble_sort instead.
The heapsort was contributed by mouse@larry.mcrcim.mcgill.edu
aka "der Mouse".